Treo Marketing

Founded in 2019 by Carol Sours and Alli Kisner, Treo Marketing is a full-service marketing agency. They can manage everything from building your brand to identity, digital optimization, and marketing communications strategy. Treo can help you every step of the way.

Their services focus on Brand & Identity, Website, Digital Dev, SEO, Social Media, Public Relations, Marketing Strategy, and Consulting.

Whether you need help with logo & graphic design, copywriting, digital ads, content development, market research, or print & digital media collateral, Treo has you covered.

They have worked with all types of clients, including Job One, Mazuma Credit Union, the City of Overland Park, Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Cornell Roofing & Sheet Metal Company, and many more.

As they say, if you are in business, you are marketing- whether you think you are or not. With every interaction - every new customer contact, every sales call, every networking event, every time you answer the phone - you represent your company and create a perception of your brand.

Visit the Treo Marketing website to learn more.



Zach Oshinbanjo


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