Screen Sanity

Founded in 2018 by Tracy Foster, Krista Boan, and Brenda Walden, Screen Sanity helps families and communities pursue digital health to reduce loneliness, depression, anxiety, and suicide in a socially isolated society.

The need for their programs and resources has only grown in a post-pandemic world, with screens and devices seeping into every corner of children’s lives.

Screen Sanity’s broader resources and tools are designed to support families on every leg of their digital parenting journey — helping them quickly navigate the most pressing issue for their own family. Their goal is to build trust with families so that they know exactly where to turn when they hit a new technology milestone.

Screen Sanity’s parent-education program helps parents consider technology's role in their lives, create a family media plan that honors their core values, and connect with their kids in meaningful ways — offline and online. However, this program is just the start. To optimize its impact, we also work with community stakeholders to explore ways they can support and reinforce healthy tech use in their spheres of influence.

They believe that we are on the precipice of the most significant legacy we could leave the next generation:  a world where kids are captivated by life, not screens, and communities come together to pursue lives well lived.

Along with numerous training options, including a Parent Night Kit or doing a webinar with Screen Sanity, they have also provided parents with tool kits starting with a preschool plugged-in planner, first phone comparison charts, and even family fun activities to do without devices.

Technology can uplift and improve our humanity — but we must create new cultural norms of digital health if we want kids to flourish. The mission of Screen Sanity is to create a world where kids are captivated by life, not screens.

Visit the Screen Sanity website to learn more, volunteer, get involved, or donate.



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Jess Winns