The Origins of the KC Shout-Out Series

Throughout 2021, I saw LinkedIn creators evolve, and I wanted to start creating original content.

The issue I faced was that my two areas of expertise were sales and logistics, neither of which excited me to sit down and write. Then an idea popped into my head, what if I highlighted business owners in Kansas City who were doing excellent work and impacting the community?

On November 23rd, 2021, my first shout-out post went up on LinkedIn, and every Tuesday since, I have featured a different leader within Kansas City to tell their story and showcase their fantastic work.

March 3rd, 2022, was the launch of my Women-Owned/Led Shout-Out Series in honor of Women’s History Month. It was initially only supposed to last until the end of March, but I quickly realized that one month was insufficient to highlight the fantastic women-owned businesses in KC.

As the series grew, so did my ability to meet even more amazing people in KC. As I started to meet with CEOs and Executive Directors of nonprofits around town, one thing was universal. Outside of donations, awareness is the most significant need for their organization. With this in mind, the series’ third installment was born, Celebrating KC. Celebrating KC highlights the fantastic work that Kansas City nonprofits are doing and shares how the community can support them.

To learn more about my story, check out my most recent appearance on The Corporate Couch Podcast.