Remodel Relief

The best solutions always come from the most significant stressors or problems.

That is the case with our feature today, as Dr. Shelley Cooper launched Remodel Relief after a horrific home remodel project.

Remodel Relief is an app designed to be your digital file cabinet for construction projects. Its ultimate goal is to help homeowners through the entire remodeling journey.

The app can help with maintenance reminders by being sent to your calendar, help organize documents for home projects on photographic timelines, organize information about contractors (contacts, licenses, permit), a message board for users and advertisers,  A.I. helper, Ask Bob assists with DIY projects, keeps track of financial info, invoices and expense, shares referral information, and affiliate partners assist users with additional services.

Remodel Relief also helps keep homes healthier by monitoring multiple maintenance activities that lead to environmental hazards like mold, lead poisoning, and household pests. Dr. Cooper has garnered interest from area hospitals and emergency management organizations.

It is as simple as downloading the Remodel Relief app and following the signup instructions!

Once you sign up, you’ll need to create your project and add contractor information.

Ultimately, Remodel Relief’s goal is to help your home remodel be a relief, no



Claudia Meyer

