
Led by Courtney Thomas, Newhouse is Kansas City’s oldest domestic violence shelter, serving local women, children, and men for more than 50 years.

Newhouse’s mission is to shatter the barriers that feed the cycle of abuse and partner with survivors to achieve safety, self-sufficiency, and whole-person healing through our ecosystem of transformative services.

They are the only domestic violence shelter in the metro's urban core. Their 88-bed emergency facility is within a 3.5-mile radius of where 85% of the violent crimes prosecuted in Jackson County occur. They are rooted right where their community needs them most.

Newhouse uses evidence-based practices and a unique “no time limit for care” approach to serve our community's most vulnerable and historically underserved populations. This positions survivors for a high rate of long-term success and significantly reduces the probability that a survivor will return to their abuser.

They are more than a domestic violence shelter. They believe in renewal – all the way around. Their goal is to reveal the courage and light within survivors of every generation by providing the tools to transform lives.

Their services include safe housing, healing Adult + Children's Therapy, supportive Adult + Children’s case management, court advocacy, substance dependency counseling, transitional housing, therapeutic case management, and children's education and healing center for birth-age five. Residents can even bring their pets with them.

In a given year, their impact is immense, taking in over 16,000 hotline calls, helping support over 600 adults and children, providing over 20,000 safe days/nights, and serving over 30,000 meals.

I know the incredible team over at Newhouse will continue to work tirelessly to execute their vision for all people to live a life free of domestic violence.

One of their biggest fundraisers is happening at The Maverick Event space this Friday and Saturday. The Worthy Pop-Up Bar event celebrates the importance of self-care, empowerment, and healthy relationships – things we are ALL worthy of!

Visit the Newhouse website to learn more, donate, or volunteer.



Remodel Relief


Yolanda Waldon