Maki Moussavi, MS, CGC

Have you ever thought, “I am ready or need to make a change,” but are unsure how to start? Well, thankfully, there are people like Maki Moussavi, MS CGC, to help but more on that in a second.

After graduate school, Maki sought to join a great company and climb the ladder to what most define as “success.” But, after 13 years of excelling at a top company in town and having her “dream” role, Maki felt like something was missing. Chasing after others’ definition of success no longer fulfilled her, and it was time to leap into something that was not only going to fill up her cup but give her a chance to help others along their journey.

Before exiting her corporate career, Maki went on a deep self-exploration exercise to understand the conditioning that drove her, what needed to change, and how to move forward, which ultimately led her to launch her own company as a mindset and transition coach in 2017.

To start, Maki was doing one-on-one coaching and speaking engagements with a mission to help high-achieving individuals leverage their latent power to create positive disruption in their lives. Maki pushes her clients to explore the conditioning that drives them to depletion and understand why a sense of fulfillment continues to elude them. Ultimately, she is working to help high achievers discover personal insights by looking at what they’d rather not in a way that empowers them to move forward with intention, integrity, and purpose. As a result, Maki was recognized as a leading mindset coach by The Coach Foundation.

Given all her experiences, in 2019, Maki wrote “The High Achievers Guide,” which shows you how to work through your conditioning, get clarity on what you want, navigate change, and get that something more you’re searching for.

Today, she works directly with clients, does corporate consulting and speaking engagements, and launched her podcast, “Musings of a High Achiever.” The podcast explores the conditioning and mindset of high achievers. Maki will shoot it straight and even have some spicy, expletive-filled takes about success, achievement, limiting beliefs, chasing validation, and more.

As more people take steps away from climbing the corporate ladder or redefining what success looks like, mindset and executive coaches like Maki will be pivotal in that transition. I look forward to watching Maki’s journey and supporting her.

Visit Maki’s website to learn more, schedule a session, or buy her book. A link to her podcast is also below.






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