
Unbound is an international nonprofit organization that walks in solidarity with the poor and marginalized of the world, accompanying families on their unique and self-directed paths out of poverty.

Since 1981, the Kansas City-based organization has distributed more than $2 billion in aid and supported nearly 1 million children, youth, and elders in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

Unbound believes the smartest path out of poverty is a self-directed one. So their teams worldwide listen to and partner with sponsored friends as they develop personalized plans and goals based on their unique challenges, needs, and skill sets.

Their approach is broken down into three main components. One is families as decision-makers. No one understands what a family needs to overcome their challenges better than that family. That's why your sponsorship helps them set personal goals.

Two, goal development. With social workers' support, sponsored friends and their families determine how to use their sponsorship funds to achieve those goals.

Three is strong communities. Parent groups work to foster leadership skills, learn new trades or start businesses. Over time, families become agents of change in their local communities.

Currently, Unbound works in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.

For just $40 a month, you can sponsor a child, youth, or elder or support one of Unbound’s special funds to contribute to a cause close to your heart. Unbound is committed to keeping its costs low to send the maximum amount of support where it’s needed most. In 2021, 92.1% of Unbound's expenses went toward program support, with more than $116 million in direct assistance to its programs worldwide.

Visit the Unbound website to learn more, volunteer, sponsor, or donate.

Website: www.unbound.org


DMC Service, Inc.


Maki Moussavi, MS, CGC