KC Can Compost

Led by Executive Director Kristan Chamberlain, KC Can Compost is an innovative nonprofit enterprise committed to transforming.

Kansas City’s social and environmental landscapes. Their vision is to empower people and preserve the planet.

They collect organic waste and divert it from the landfill for composting. They also educate and train men and women struggling to overcome barriers to employment in green industry jobs. Two goods, one solution.

KC Can Compost has partnered with many local KC businesses, restaurants, and individuals, almost too many to name. Still, a few include J. Rieger & Co., Kanbe's Markets, C2FO, Thou Mayest Coffee Roasters, Barkley, SafetyCulture, and many more.

Along with their compost partnerships, KC Can’s Compost Green Core Training program utilizes the Roots of Success and Conover curricula to provide environmental literacy and work readiness training to individuals with barriers to employment. The program then assists program graduates in helping them obtain green internships or jobs.

The Roots of Success curriculum prepares trainees for more than 125 environmental jobs and career pathways. Graduates of the program receive industry-relevant certifications.

With Conover, trainees learn the critical soft skills most sought after in today’s workplace through an online, video-based curriculum.

Their training location is in Kansas City, MO, at the Transition Center of Kansas City.

Whether you are an individual household or commercial business, you can use KC Can’s Compost website to get started.

If you want to get more involved in KC CAN Compost, volunteer, or donate, please get in touch with Kristan directly or visit their website.

Website: kccancompost.com


Literacy KC


Joel Goldberg