Jackson County CASA

Jackson County CASA’s mission is to be a child’s voice in court. In addition, they recruit, train, and support lay volunteers who advocate for the best interests of children who have experienced abuse and neglect.

Led by CEO Angie Blumel and her team, they focus on ensuring that every child involved with the Jackson County Family Court due to abuse or neglect will grow up in a safe and permanent home.

Since 1983, Jackson County CASA has provided effective guardian ad litem services to these children by recruiting, training, and supporting CASA Volunteer Advocates.  Working as a team with their CASA Case Supervisors and CASA Staff Attorneys, their CASA Volunteers help these children navigate the maze of the child welfare and Family Court systems and work toward the goal of every child growing up in a safe, permanent home as quickly as possible, preferably with their parents and family whenever it’s safe and feasible.

In 2022, they helped 1,126 children, had over 29,000 volunteer hours, and had almost 400 active volunteers.

Join them as they celebrate 40 years of Jackson County CASA at the 23rd Annual Light of Hope Breakfast in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton Crown Center on April 20, 2023.  With Honorary Chair Jeff Blaesing of JE Dunn Construction, they will celebrate the CASA Volunteers and Community Partners who help Jackson County CASA annually serve over 1,100 children who have experienced abuse or neglect.

Please visit the Jackson County CASA website to learn more, volunteer, or donate.

Website: www.jacksoncountycasa-mo.org


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