Ed Frindt

While Ed Frindt is not a native Kansas Citian, I am so happy he moved here from Chicago in 2018.

Ed grew up in Cleveland, and when college rolled around, Ed was on his own to cover the cost. So he applied for any scholarships he could find, landing one in accounting at Loyola Chicago, despite being unfamiliar with accounting.

While in College, Ed began interning a few days a week at a wealth management firm, which led to him adding a second major in finance. While a little unconventional, Ed took off a semester in college to work at Ernst & Young during their busy season, eventually landing a role with them post-graduation.

After three years at EY, Ed jumped to a controller position at a middle-market private equity firm in Chicago, focusing on more back-office work like financial planning for the firm and investor relations.

Applying to the MBA program at Chicago Booth would be one of his best decisions. The program allowed him to network and meet many start-up entrepreneurs, which he felt aligned more with his skills. In addition, Ed joined a Venture Capital company in 2016 in a financial role focused on helping the firm’s portfolio companies.

While not his initial intention, like most people who come to Kansas City, Ed saw something special on his first visit in 2015, and when he met Darcy for the first time in 2017, he took the leap and joined KCRise Fund as their second employee. However, he did not immediately move to KC, working both the KC and Chicago market for about a year before coming to KC full-time.

Today Ed is a General Partner for KCRise, a venture capital firm that invests in pre-Seed, Seed, and Series A-stage technology companies, including Super Dispatch, Bungii, and exits with Backlot Cars, Spear Power, Zego, and Payit.

KCRise’s goal is to co-invest with other institutional investors, including venture capital firms and corporate investors, in pre-Seed, Seed, and Series A rounds of at least $1 million for early-stage technology companies with a strategic connection to the western half of Missouri or the entire state of Kansas.

Outside of being a partner with KCRise, Ed is an adjunct professor of entrepreneurship and Venture Capital at Rockhurst University and serves on the Board for the ACG Kansas City. Ed is also active within the startup communities in KC and Chicago.

With KCRise in the middle of raising their third fund, I know the work they and Ed are doing will have a huge ripple effect on the entrepreneurial ecosystem of Kansas City. Very thankful Ed took that leap to join KCRIse, and I know the best is yet to come for him.

Visit the KCRise website to learn more about their portfolio companies and the fund. Feel free to email Ed (edfrindt@kcrise.com) directly if you are a founder of an early-stage software company or looking to join one.

Website: linktr.ee/kcrisefund


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