1773 Innovation Company

Originating from a Portable Solar-Powered Charging System for Developing Nations like Haiti, 1773 Innovation Company is an international innovation company that uses innovative ideas and cutting-edge technology with practical concepts to solve some of the World’s most challenging problems.

The Sunshine Box was created based on the solution process explained in the book "White Man's Burden" by William Easterly. The solution is designed to narrow the gap for 'mobile-first' technology users and give them access to reliable electricity. The system supports charging ten devices simultaneously, is completely portable, and is 100% waterproof. In addition, the UL Certification guarantees safety when using the product in all environments.

Local owners can sell charging capabilities to individuals with mobile technologies, lights, and other DC-enabled devices, providing locals with a personal source of income. In addition, the mobility/adaptability of our product allows it to travel throughout villages easily.

There are 98 boxes placed in 17 undeveloped nations for economic development and disaster relief.

Owner: Conner Hazelrigg, MBA

1773 Innovation Company and its founder are excellent examples of community leaders and drivers for change.

Website: 1773innovationco.com


Casey Wright


CaRessa Hutchinson