Vasculitis Foundation

Vasculitis is an autoimmune disease that affects millions of people and is most often misdiagnosed. It is a general term for inflammation of the blood vessels. Vasculitis describes a family of nearly 20 rare diseases characterized by narrowing, weakening, or scarring of the blood vessels. These can restrict blood flow and damage vital organs and tissues. Today, there is no known cure.

The Vasculitis Foundation (VF), founded in 1986, is headquartered in Kansas City and has since become a leader in raising awareness and advocating for early diagnosis and better treatment. People living with or caring for someone with vasculitis turn to the VF for education, support, and a sense of community.

The VF educates patients, their families, and healthcare professionals through its robust website, symposiums, conferences, webinars, videos, support groups, research networks, and bringing the right people together. While VF started in the U.S., its reach has expanded worldwide.

Visit the Vasculitis Foundation website to learn more and support its mission.



The Matrescence


Dr. Michelle Robin