Reconciliation Services

Led by Executive Director & CEO Father Justin Mathews, Reconciliation Services (RS) works to cultivate a community seeking reconciliation, transform Troost from a dividing line into a gathering place, and reveal the strength of all.

RS has served alongside our neighbors in the urban core of Kansas City, MO, for 30+ years. Desiring to accept the challenge to “love thy neighbor,” they approach each person with dignity and love, seeing them as made in the image of God.

Their programs strategically address community needs for affordable food access, safe environments to gather to combat social isolation and build positive community connections, and increased access to social and mental health services that lead to improved health and self-sufficiency.

They specifically strive to reach our neighbors living in the ten neighborhoods east of Troost Avenue, Kansas City’s historic economic and racial dividing line, as they face the highest rates of poverty, poor physical and mental health outcomes, violence, lack of education, and lack of access to life stabilizing resources. Additionally, they strive to bring neighbors together from different socioeconomic and racial backgrounds to create meaningful community connections that can lead to reconciliation.

Its three main strategic initiatives are: REVEAL Social and Mental Health Services; Thelma’s Kitchen, a donate-what-you-can cafe; and the Foster Grandparents Program.

The REVEAL (Restore-Engage-Value-Encourage-Act-Lead) Program offers a comprehensive individual and community healing approach through essential social services, case management, and therapeutic services. Their case managers help individuals and families meet urgent needs and accomplish immediate goals, assisting with housing and utility assistance; ID/document assistance; and dental and medical supplies, services, and prescriptions through our partnership with the KC Medicine Cabinet.

Thelma’s Kitchen is RC’s social venture where each box lunch helps provide social and mental health services and reduce food insecurity for KC neighbors in need.

The Reconciliation Services Foster Grandparents Program connects low-income volunteers aged 55 and over with opportunities to provide one-on-one mentoring, nurturing, and support to children with exceptional needs or who are at an academic, social, or financial disadvantage.

Lastly, the Social Leader Program provides transformational and experiential leadership training around issues affecting your employees on the issues surrounding—trauma, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Visit the Reconciliation Services website to learn more, get involved, or donate.



The Laya Center


Sarah Allen Preston