Kim Giuliani

One year ago, my wife, Kim Giuliani, launched her own luxury travel advisory business, Dolce Vita Travel.

I thought at that moment that I could not be prouder of her, but fast forward twelve months, and I am floored by what she has accomplished.

Day in and day out, I watch someone who has found her passion. That passion and her work ethic are displayed when I see her planning travel experiences for clients. I have seen her go above and beyond time after time to provide seamless and memorable experiences.

Her company aims to create lifelong memories by designing itineraries tailored to each client’s unique travel interests. She uses a collaborative planning process to understand her clients’ travel goals and preferences and deliver personalized recommendations.
With a deep network of relationships across the globe, Dolce Vita Travel can produce exceptional experiences and offer clients exclusive perks and privileges.

She also has the cutest co-workers in the world, Teddy and Cocoa, our fur babies.

It is hard to describe what Kim means to me, but I am thankful she is my wife. Anyone who meets or works with her loves her, and it is easy to see why. She is genuine, caring, smart, and inspiring. I know that she inspires and motivates me daily to be the best person I can be.

I am confident that she will continue thriving in her business and in life. I am so happy and grateful to be on this journey with her.



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Mike Meyer