Kevin McGinnis

Kevin McGinnis holds eight patents, many designed to help emergency services.

Meeting Kevin, I would have had no idea before his successful run as a tech executive or startup leader that he worked at a meatpacking plant or as a telemarketer.

Kevin began his successful career as an executive with Sprint, spending over 20 years there. He started in telemarketing and eventually found a role as a product manager and moved up to VP of Product Platforms & Services before moving to VP of Development & Operations of Pinsight Media, a Sprint subsidiary, eventually becoming Pinsight Media's CEO for over three years.  

During his time at Sprint, he was also responsible for launching the Sprint Accelerator, which was designed to drive business development and innovation for Sprint through direct engagement with the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In addition, the physical location in the Crossroads provided a focal point promoting collisions and collaboration within the community between Sprint and the startup community.

Kevin had written a paper in 2013 called “The Bridge” about the Keystone Innovation district. After several years the group responsible for it had not done much with it; Kevin decided to pick up the ball and run with it.

In March 2018, Kevin officially launched the Keystone Community Corporation, leaving his role at Pinsight. He toured the country, visiting other cities’ innovation districts, realizing KC had fallen behind places like St. Louis.

The Keystone Community Corporation is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit created to unite educators, corporations, entrepreneurs, and the community to plan, develop, and operate a diverse and thriving innovation community in downtown Kansas City.

The Keystone Innovation District will be the region’s front door to innovation. Currently centered on 18th  Street between Charlotte and Campbell St, the district will be more than just a “place”; it will be the home to a community where all are welcome to join with universities, corporate partners, and philanthropic organizations to design the future.

It is home to many programs, including Keystone Labs, The Angel Accelerator, and Wednesday night Sessions. In addition, it has partnered with the Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City, MO, to create the Social Venture Studio.

Because of the community stepping up and partnering with Keystone, I know the best is yet to come, and the future of innovation will be coming out of Keystone.

Kevin is also very active outside of Keystone, being a mentor for Pipeline, an advisor for Blue Valley CAPS, and an advisory board member for Digital Sandbox KC and Urban Land Institute.

I am so thankful for the work that Kevin, the team at Keystone, and their community partners are doing to make KC a hub for innovation. But, even with all his success, I have a feeling the best is yet to come for Kevin.

Visit the Keystone Innovation district website to learn more.



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Sage Restoration