Giving The Basics

Giving the Basics started in 2009 to assist a single mother needing toilet paper. The young mother had been to the grocery store with a government card, only to discover hygiene products, like soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, and laundry detergent, are not covered by government assistance programs.

Giving the Basics was founded to bring improved health, hope, and dignity to struggling children and adults through procuring, fulfilling, and distributing hygiene products.

After a formal launch in 2011, Giving the Basics has since been blessed with incredible growth. Teaming up with over 700 locations, including local schools, pantries, police departments, and senior centers, to distribute their much-needed hygiene products to those in need, they now reach over 400,000 people regularly.

Fabulous and generous people have stepped forward to help them build a stronger and more focused community. They believe every person deserves to have an opportunity for dignity. Being able to be clean and presentable can drastically change the trajectory of a person’s life.

Giving the Basic’s products immediately impact low-income families with small children, students, battered women, veterans, seniors, former prisoners, and anyone with a mental illness. Their products help children attend school feeling fresh so they feel comfortable in the learning environment, and they assure adults have the dignity they need so they can gain employment.

Visit the Giving the Basic’s website to learn more, volunteer, set up a giving drive, or donate.



Cenetric Network Services


Mary T. Ricketts