First Call

Founded in 1958, First Call's mission is to reduce the impact of alcohol, drugs, and addiction by providing quality resources to individuals, families, and the community.

Since its founding, First Call has provided wraparound services to meet community needs for those affected by substance use disorder in the Kansas City Metropolitan area.

The agency focuses on raising awareness, ending stigma, and providing resources for education, prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery.

For every person experiencing substance use disorder, ten more are impacted. As such, First Call works with individuals, families, and communities to ensure comprehensive support.

2023 First Call served 10,873 people through direct services and reached an additional 12,729 through community events and trainings.

First Call’s 24/7 Crisis Call Line operates continuously and provides mental health first aid and referrals to people experiencing behavioral health crises.

They also provide counseling and resources for people who are impacted by a loved one’s substance use disorder. Recovery advocates provide support to those navigating a complex path to recovery.

Family services counselors restore balance to families impacted by substance use disorder. Prevention specialists implement evidence-based programs in schools to prevent the impact of substance use disorder on future generations.

Community outreach staff and volunteers provide training and operate informational booths to raise awareness and improve access.

Lastly, harm reductionists provide life-affirming strategies to reduce the negative consequences of alcohol and drugs and reduce overdose deaths.
At the end of the day, First Call is looking to help anyone affected by substance use disorder.

Visit the First Call website to learn more.



Enterprise Control Systems, Inc.


James Thomas