Epizon Strategy Solutions

Founded by Caroline Markel Hammond, Epizon Strategy Solutions is a boutique-style training and policy implementation company disrupting complacency in the workforce as it relates to domestic violence. Why? Because you never know who is sitting next to you or on a video call every day, hiding the emotional, physical, and psychological bruises from home.

Their data collection and focus on profitability are within every tailor-made solution we provide. Being survivors of abuse, they bring a unique perspective to engage and create empathetic understanding. The change they create for institutions allows for immediate and direct positive impact on profit, retention, reputation, and culture.

With training programs used by Fortune 500 companies, they have trained over 17,000 employees, managers, and C-Suite professionals in various industries within six countries.

Website: epizonstrategy.com


Emerson Hodes


Safe in Harm’s Way Foundation