Bags of Fun KC

Bags of Fun KC has been open since 2011 and is focused on serving children in the KC metro. Their mission is to bring the therapeutic power of play to children and their families who are faced with fighting cancer and other long-term, life-threatening conditions.

They do this through their signature program: delivering Bags of Fun to them while in active treatment.

A bag of fun is a brightly colored backpack stuffed to the brim with 12-15 items picked specifically for each child based on their interests, developmental needs, and treatment plan. Each bag of fun has an electronic component and tag-along items so that PLAY can begin immediately.

When a child receives a bag of fun during treatment, they are given hours and hours of the power of play, which can help ease anxiety, open communication, and bring joy, laughter, and relief.

Since its inception, Bags of Fun KC has delivered over 1700 bags to children fighting life-threatening conditions, and to think it all started with a house party and a pancake breakfast 11 years ago. In those 11 years, they have been honored to make Bags of Fun a considerable part of the Kansas City Community.

Bags of Fun Kansas City works closely with staff at The University of Kansas Medical Center, Children’s Mercy in Kansas City, Stormont Vail in Topeka, and Mercy Kids and Cox Medical in Springfield.

Its vision is to bring joy, laughter, and relief to every child whose health and happiness are threatened and/or compromised.

Bags of Fun KC’s 13th Annual Black and White Gala is on September 16th, 2023, at The Gallery Event Space.

Visit the Bags of Fun KC website to learn more, volunteer, get involved, or donate.



Plex Capital, LLC


Josh Selig-Votaw