Kansas City Community Gardens

Kansas City Community Gardens (KCCG) empowers people to cultivate gardens as a self-sufficient means of increasing healthy food access – particularly those who struggle to eat a healthy diet because of their income or the neighborhood in which they live.

Their mission is to inspire and empower low-income households, schools, and community groups to grow their own vegetables and fruit.

KCCG is not just about the present but also about the future. They work daily to fulfill their vision: to see healthy food grow in every Kansas City neighborhood and be a choice for every table. They envision a future where gardening is a “normalized” part of life, and every household has the knowledge and skill to grow food.

KCCG helps over 45,000 individuals in the Kansas City area each year. The organization partners with over 500 community garden sites and has helped plant 246 neighborhood orchards.

KCCG provides free gardening workshops, technical assistance, garden supplies, and other resources to individuals, families, neighborhood organizations, nonprofit agencies, and other groups throughout the metropolitan Kansas City area.

KCCG operates three programs that support the production of affordable, healthy foods: Individual and Family Gardens, Community Partner Gardens, and the Giving Grove. It also operates two programs that inspire healthy eating habits among area youth: the Schoolyard Gardens program and the Beanstalk Children’s Garden.

KCCG’s Schoolyard Gardens program staff helps schools create and grow gardens to improve students’ knowledge about nutrition and the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables to a healthy diet.

KCCG’s Beanstalk Children’s Garden complements the efforts of Schoolyard Gardens staff by allowing school and community groups, families, and other visitors to learn about plant science, food production, nutrition, and insects during summer tours of this unique garden.

The Beanstalk includes fruit, vegetable, and herb gardens, a seed and grain garden, the Curiosity Garden, filled with strange and unusual plants, and a water garden featuring water lilies, floating hyacinths, fish, and frogs.

Visit the Kansas City Community Gardens website to learn more, get involved, and donate.

Website: kccg.org


The Belfry/ANNX Spirits


Dennis Ridenour