Inclusion Connections

Inclusion Connections serves individuals with developmental disabilities by creating access to meaningful employment, inclusive opportunities for community involvement, and better options for independent living.
Inclusion Connection's vision is to transform their community one person, one business at a time through advocacy, education, and conversation.

They are focused on bringing to light the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and working together to increase access and opportunities significantly.

Through innovative, year-round programming that addresses unique needs, students are building skills and achieving greater independence. Inclusion Connections’ is bringing real and lasting change in the hearts and minds of our community.

Their Community Connections program offers an impressive array of year-round educational programs for disabled individuals. Programs build self-confidence and improve well-being, leading to meaningful employment and greater independence.

Those six programs are divided into EmployAbility, Supported Living, Healthy Living, CreateAbility, Camps, and Inclusion for Life.

Through their employment initiative, PawsAbilities, they address the critical need for job skills training by creating the best dog treats in Kansas City! The program matches trainees’ skills and desires with real jobs in the community and continues to support individuals around job hours with additional training, fitness, arts, and social opportunities.

With BelongKC, Inclusion Connections is creating a safe, affordable, and sustainable community in the KC region where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) can choose to live with customized supports that promote career growth and independence.

Inclusion Connections was born from a need for services for individuals with developmental disabilities. While there is undoubtedly a need for educational and social opportunities for school-aged children, the greatest need arises when they graduate high school. Parents often say their kids with disabilities graduated from high school to the couch!

On graduation day, the students lose access to learning, exercise, friends, and community. Most graduate without a job, and a critical lack of supported housing forces students to remain at home with their parents indefinitely. Inclusion Connections is addressing all these issues head-on.

Visit the Inclusion Connections website to learn more, volunteer, or donate.



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