Alissia Canady

Alissia Canady is no stranger to the value of education and hard work. She worked full-time while attending Northeast High School and supporting her family. Later, she spent time in the banking industry while putting herself through college at Park University, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in finance.

Post college Alissia ran her own small business and worked as a realtor in the community. Being the lifelong learner that she is, she obtained a graduate certificate in Community Economic Development from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and her Law degree from the University of South Dakota, graduating in 2010.

Alissia spent almost four years as an Assistant Prosecutor in the Jackson County Prosecutors’ office before being selected as City Council Member in 2015 in the Fifth District, holding that position for four years.

As a Council Woman, she served as Chairwoman of the Neighborhoods & Public Safety Committee, Vice Chair of the Ethics and Legal Review Committee, and member of the Housing, Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Jobs committees.

In addition, she was Co-Chair of the KCMO Health Commission and Chair of the Budget and Contract Evaluation committee for KCMO Health Levy funds.

While her mayoral campaign in 2019 came up short, she was the first African American woman to receive an endorsement from The Kansas City Star.

Today, Alissa runs her firm, Canady Law Firm, representing clients in civil litigation involving business disputes, Real Estate transactions, personal injury, medical negligence, wrongful death, discrimination, and civil rights violations.

She remains highly active in the community, sitting on several Boards of Directors, including Swope Health and Harvesters--The Community Food Network, and is Chairperson for the KCMO TIF Commission and Madam’s President Camp.

In addition, she works with Neighborhood Legal Support as Deputy
Executive Director and Director of Litigation. Neighborhood Legal Support is a non-profit law firm providing legal assistance and other support to empower urban core neighborhoods to grow stronger. They focus on supporting community development efforts in the Lykins Neighborhood.

The future is bright for Alissia, and I am excited to watch her continue to be a catalyst in the community and work to fight for positive change.



Love Fund for Children


Pink Dinosaur Boutique